In private prayer and public proclamation, we seem so confident but privately we are not so. We are perplexed and sometimes afraid. We are weary. We believe and yet we doubt. We need a renewal and a revival.
Let us remember again the testimonies of your faithfulness in days of sickness, times of insufficiency, moments of doubt, the aftermath of failure, and the junctions of pain when you came through in what can be described as only a miraculous way! You, oh God came in your power and your mercy and did what we felt could not be done. Revive our trust that you have gracefully supplied our needs, healed our hurts, and resurrected our brokenhearted and you can and will do it again
Turn our gaze over all creation. A sun continuously gives off light, light, sub-atomic and heat testify of your power. In the microscopic universe of sub atomic particles, strands of DNA and the black chains of chemistry announce the infinite possibilities of answers to questions we have not asked and answers that we can not fantom. Revive our sense of awe in the ordinary miracle of life
Oh ancient of days, let us learn the rhythm of history. Call to our memory the rise of nations and despots who sought to destroy the life that was thwarted by the good of ordinary and stubborn people of hope and dignity.
