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Floyd Thompkins


Rev. Thompkins is CEO of the Justice and Peace Foundation, Pastor of Saint Andrew Presbyterian Church and Chaplain for the United Christian Campus Ministry. He served as Vice – President of the Center for Innovation in Ministry at San Francisco Theological Seminary. SFTS subsequently became the University of Redlands Graduate School of Theology. As a Dean of Religious Life, Rev. Thompkins has served at two world-class institutions, Stanford University and Princeton University. As a Leader in the community, he has developed unique, highly effective programs to empower underserved teenage youth and young adults in urban and rural areas—in East Palo Alto, CA and rural South Georgia. As a Pastor, he pastored Antioch Baptist Church, the second oldest African American Church west of the Mississippi and Covenant Christian Church in Douglas, GA.


Awards and Honors

  • 2022 Distinguish Alumni Award for Bethany College in Lindsborg KS 

  • 2016 Nominated for the Heart of Marin Award for Innovative Leadership

  • Presidential Award for Community Service from President Bill Clinton

  • Regional Service Award from the Northern California Kidney Foundation

  • Benjamin E. Mays Fellowship (3 years) from the Rockefeller Foundation

  • Awarded grant from the state of New Jersey to develop training for faculty of Princeton University

  • 1995 -1998 Selected by five times by Princeton’s Senior Class to be Speaker at the Alumni graduation event

  • Edward G. Howell Preaching Award from Princeton Theological Seminary

  • ​

Publications  Awards and Honors

2016 Nominated for the Heart of Marin Award for Innovative Leadership

Presidential Award for Community Service from President Bill Clinton

Regional Service Award from the Northern California Kidney Foundation

Benjamin E. Mays Fellowship (3 years) from the Rockefeller Foundation

Awarded grant from the state of New Jersey to develop training for faculty of Princeton University

1995 -1998 Selected by five times by Princeton’s Senior Class to be Speaker at the Alumni graduation event

Edward G. Howell Preaching Award from Princeton Theological Seminary



Aten, J. (2020, August 8). How to Support the Anxious and Bereaved During COVID-19: A two part interview with Rev. Floyd Thompkins on caring for those who are grieving. Retrieved from support-the-anxious-and-bereaved-during-covid-19?amp


Dolbee, S. (2020, July 5). Commentary: Is America Good?. The San Diego Union-Tribune, Retrieved from dolbee-column-for-july-5 )


Thompkins, F., Goldblum, P, Lai, T, Hansel, T., Barclay, A., Brown, L. (2020, May 20). A Culturally Specific Mental Health and Spirituality Approach for African Americans Facing the COVID-19 Pandemic.
and Policy. 12


Thompkins, F. (2019, March 15). Say it Ain’t So: The Jussie Smollett arrest. KQED Perspectives. Retrieved from aint-so,


Goldblum, P, Hoeflein, B.,; Adee, M., & Thompkins, F. (2019, March). [Review of the Book Sexual Identity and Faith: Helping Clients Achieve Congruence by Yarhouse, M. Templeton Press]. Society for the Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity. Retrieved from 44/resources/reviews/sexual-identity-faith


Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice,

(5), 455-456.


Thompkins, F. (2017, March 23). Surviving Song Abuse. Bread for the World Lenten Series. Retrieved from

Thompkins, F. & Bland, B. (2016). Every Church and Innovator. Church Health Reader. Retrieved from

Thompkins, F. (2016, March 23) The Arrangements Have Already Been Made. Bread for the World. Retrieved from

Hotaling, K. & Thompkins, F. (2015-2016). The Prostart Way. Curriculum and Guide published by the National Restaurant Association for their national “Pro Start Program” Retrieved from ServingUpSuccess-Spreads.pdf)

Hotaling, K. & Thompkins, F. (2015-2018). Creation of exercise and curriculum resources for
the Knowledge Sharing Site of the National Association of Restaurant Foundation’s Opportunity Youth Program. Retrieved from

Thompkins, F. (2014). Think on These Things II: Worshipping, Wondering, and Walking [Kindle Edition]. Retrieved from

Thompkins, F. (2013). Think on These Things. [Kindle Edition]. Retrieved from

Thompkins, F. (2012). By the Pool of Bethesda, Part 2. Biblical Mediations on Long Term Illness and Terminal Diagnoses [Kindle Edition]. Retrieved from

Aten, J. (2020, August 8). How to Support the Anxious and Bereaved During COVID-19: A two part interview with Rev. Floyd Thompkins on caring for those who are grieving. Retrieved from support-the-anxious-and-bereaved-during-covid-19?amp


Dolbee, S. (2020, July 5). Commentary: Is America Good?. The San Diego Union-Tribune, Retrieved from dolbee-column-for-july-5 )


Thompkins, F., Goldblum, P, Lai, T, Hansel, T., Barclay, A., Brown, L. (2020, May 20). A Culturally Specific Mental Health and Spirituality Approach for African Americans Facing the COVID19 Pandemic.
and Policy. 12


Thompkins, F. (2019, March 15). Say it Ain’t So: The Jussie Smollett arrest. KQED Perspectives. Retrieved from aint-so,


Goldblum, P, Hoeflein, B.,; Adee, M., & Thompkins, F. (2019, March). [Review of the Book Sexual Identity and Faith: Helping Clients Achieve Congruence by Yarhouse, M. Templeton Press]. Society for the Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity. Retrieved from 44/resources/reviews/sexual-identity-faith


Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice,

(5), 455-456.


Thompkins, F. (2017, March 23). Surviving Song Abuse. Bread for the World Lenten Series. Retrieved from


Thompkins, F. & Bland, B. (2016). Every Church and Innovator. Church Health Reader. Retrieved from


Thompkins, F. (2016, March 23) The Arrangements Have Already Been Made. Bread for the World. Retrieved from


Hotaling, K. & Thompkins, F. (2015-2016). The Prostart Way. Curriculum and Guide published by the National Restaurant Association for their national “Pro Start Program” Retrieved from ServingUpSuccess-Spreads.pdf)


Hotaling, K. & Thompkins, F. (2015-2018). Creation of exercise and curriculum resources for
the Knowledge Sharing Site of the National Association of Restaurant Foundation’s Opportunity Youth Program. Retrieved from




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